Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Fire Prevention Slogans


concerns, fears, stress, negative emotions, bringing among other things because we can not sleep. Several
things we can do to make this change:
-a hot water bath, a few hours before bedtime, relax.
-drinking a cup of warm milk, too.
dine-around in abundance, drinking coffee, alcohol, soft drinks, and stimulating.
-infusions of valerian, linden, chamomile, etc., induce sleep, decrease anxiety naturally.
-foot massage before bed.
-drop a few drops of lavender on the pillow.
-prepare a pad placed over the eyes and forehead filling it with rice and dried lavender flowers relaxes and removes much tension in the head.
once-lying perform breathing exercise conscious calm and quiet your mind.
-sounding breathing exercises help to unblock the throat and heart centers in order to release negative emotions
eg, lying face up, we focus on the breath inhaling and exhaling slowly, after about 3 or 4 breaths inhaling and back do you exhale with an audible at the mouth with the sound huuuuuuuuuuu, extending it until the end of exhalation, repeat 10 times, trying to drop with each exhalation tensions, concerns, etc.
And now to sleep!.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Breakfast Ideas For The Office


(This blog is not intended in any way replace medical consultation)

There are five yoga principles within which aim to improve our quality of life:

1 - Proper exercise, that should be done gradually, with smooth control and movement and to suggest that our joints are more flexible the muscles are toning and stretch as all our body to function properly even with the passage of time.

2-relaxation: relax our mind and body as a whole, thereby decreasing the heart rate, respiratory, muscular and mental tension etc..

3-breathing right: thus achieve a greater supply of oxygen, accelerating the flow of blood to the tissues, also regulate the control of prana. Proper breathing affects areas of the brain involved in emotion, which is why the quiet breathing calms the mind.

4-adequate diet, be attentive to the quality, quantity and attitude that is eaten. Chew food with awareness and gratitude.

5-Meditation: quiet the mind swirling. They are not thinking, witnessing, observing without interfering, quiet the mind to connect with our essence. Gradually
developing each point.